Monday, February 11, 2008

At the Park

Monday, the 4th, was a beautiful day, 70-something degrees. How could we resist going to the play ground? Annabelle and I went walked to the Dollar Tree and headed to the park across the street. I pushed her on the swing and she loved that. Then we went to the jungle gym. We climbed up and slid down. We played with a big dial that turns with silver marbles that go around and around. Annabelle really liked that. We were about to leave when some kids showed up. Annabelle was so fascinated and watched them climb and play. We stayed for another 15 minutes. When we got home, we had a yummy lunch. After that, Annabelle crashed and slept for about 2 and a half hours. It was great. If you have any suggestions on other ways to wear her out when we can't go outside please leave a comment. I can't wait till this winter weather goes away. Having a kid is a great excuse for getting outside and exercising. It was really neat watching her discover new things to do outside. There is no end to what she can learn and how she can grow. Who will you become, little one?

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