Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Eve and Night

Wednesday night Shannon invited us all to her place for New Years Eve. Alan and Sherry came to our house that afternoon so they went with us to Shannon's. Shannon's in-laws were also there. We had the usual snacks, chips and queso and delicious drinks. We spent some time playing Rock Band with Jeff's new XBox. I really love singing Kareoke and playing the guitare on easy!

New Year's Day we had lunch with lots of friends at P. F. Chang's. We sent Annabelle home for a nap then Sherry and I headed to Walmart.

Dinner time came and we headed back to Shannon's. We took two big pots of chili for dinner. Kris and Nicki came too. Afterward we tried to play Partini, a new party game. Unfortunately, most of the group were not enthusiastic about party games. So it wasn't much of a success. I will have to save it for my family and church friends.

This New Year's was different than any other. It wasn't exciting and my expectations of what New Year's is supposed to be went unfulfilled, to say the least.

Loose weight , like always
Read more
Stop being let down by expectations, weather reasonable or not
Listen more closely to God

I'd love to hear what you are planning for 2009. Email me or leave a comment. If you need any encouragement this year, let me know, I'm a good listener and a firm believer in the power of prayer!


Shannon said...

Wow. That's a lot of pictures of Lola! Lol!

Trish said...

True but they are so cute!